Website Mesti Lawat

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Thai crackdown (what they called peaceful demonstration)

Demonstration comes with emotion. That's why it always worsen a problem. For those who think it is a way to solve problem or to force the government to do what they want, see what's happening in Thailand. 

More pictures here

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ejatidiaz said...

takut sgt klu prkara2 camni brlaku kat msia...
rsau btul klau prgolakan politik yg dahsyat brlaku..

Syukri Sapuan said...

Suasana politik di Thailand tidaklah sama sekali boleh disamakan dengan suasana politik di Malaysia.

Demonstrasi jalanan masih releven.



Fairosza said...

Rozaidi: sama-sama kita doakan keamanan untuk seluruh dunia dan juga semoga mereka(masyarakat Thailand) dapat hidayah Islam

Syuk: Kenapa sebut demonstrasi je nak dikaitkan dgn politik? Suasana politik mungkin berbeza, tapi perbuatan berdemo tu sama. Kumpulan baju merah ni mula2 cakap nak buat demonstrasi aman, last2 semua dah tak dpt kawal diri masing2 bila dah ramai2.Ingat tak lagi dgn demonstrasi kumpulan baju hitam(Perak)dan baju kuning(Bersih)? Ada tak persamaan dgn idea demonstrasi kat Thai? Demo terbukti bawa lebih banyak keburukan dpd penyelesaian masalah (lebih2 lg dgn sikap emosional demonstran). Islam mengajar kita meninggalkan perkara yg membawa kemudaratan. Demo pun terbukti biasanya tak dapat menyelesaikan masalah (malah menjadi punca kpd masalah2 lain).Bukti paling jelas dpt kita lihat pada kegiatan demonstrasi menekan Israel. Setakat berdemo je,diorang tak kisah pun.

Afzainizam said...

┌─┐ ─┐
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Peace no war...
Selamatkan Palestin.. Tanggungjawab Yang Wajib Ditunaikan ... Selamatkan Gaza!
Ratusan ribu rakyat Palestin berada di ambang kebuluran..

Misi KeAmanan dari kami…

Weehhh sorry beb lama betul gua tak datang ziarah... Bussy sikit lah...

harap Malaysia aman damai... jangan lah macam negara orang.... Ya Allah makmurkan bumi Malaysia

Fairosza said...

Afzainizam:betul3x..harap2 bukan setakat Malaysia, malah seluruh pelusuk dunia ni aman damai.sama2 kita doakan

Haq Mohaidin said...

why do people march?

some people thinks peace would be achieved simply by formal argument, debate, voting. in theory, yes. in reality, not that simple.

do u mind telling me why on earth would the people march if the government serve them well?

because politicians do not mean it when they say with a straight face or a smile that they are the servants and that the people are the masters. No servant would treat his master with tear gas, batons and handcuffs.

because bribery, murder, lie; which is done in secrecy won't be wiped out just by sit and wait for ur police report to work.

what if, in the worst case, the police is one of them?

because today, countries with effective leadership, modern technologies, effecient education system, they all started from ashes of revolution, blood from streets where they march.

do u read french revolution?

because if the marchers in history had been stopped in their tracks, places like India, Malaysia and many others would still be colonies today, apartheid would still be thriving in South Africa, Nelson Mandela would still be scribbling on the walls of Cell 5, and Obama would probably be a slave somewhere in Mississippi plotting to make his next midnight dash for the river.

because revolution wont happen that easy.

because Gandhi marched, Mandela marched, Martin Luther King marched, and Tunku Abdul Rahman marched.

Fairosza said...

"what if, in the worst case, the police is one of them?"
-What IF they are not?that's the problem.I'm not sure, u r not sure and they r not sure. Usually demonstrators do demonstration because they are obsessed with certain ideologies (or in the Thai's case, obsessed to a figure) with no confirmation about what's really happening.

Dan kebanyakan mereka tidak menurut melainkan sesuatu sangkaan sahaja, (padahal) sesungguhnya sangkaan itu tidak dapat memenuhi kehendak menentukan sesuatu dari kebenaran (iktiqad). Sesungguhnya Allah Amat Mengetahui akan apa yang mereka lakukan. (Surah Yunus: Ayat 36)

Yes, history proved SOME problems were solved by demos(but most of them didn't and only worsening), and, history did prove problems were also solved by discussions and other more wisdom ways (negotiations etc). We can choose any options. The power is in your hand(iklan celcom =)).
Islamic approach to choose options:
Jika bertentangan dua hal yang sama-sama bermanfaat, yang satu memiliki nilai lebih dari yang lainnya, maka kita mendahulukan yang memiliki nilai lebih tersebut.

Namun sebaliknya, jika seseorang terpaksa harus melakukan hal yang terlarang dan dia punya dua pilihan. Di antara dua pilihan tersebut ada yang lebih berbahaya. Dalam keadaan sebegini, dia harus memilih larangan yang lebih ringan.

Jadi, jika ada beberapa perkara yang terlarang dan kita harus lakukan, maka pilihlah yang paling ringan. Namun dalam beberapa perkara yang diperintahkan dan kita harus memilih salah satu, maka pilihlah yang paling bermanfaat.

Haq Mohaidin said...

dearest friend, dearest friend, i wont say 'what if, in the worst case, the police is one of them' without fact dear friend. in altantuya case, stop being in denial, can't we both see which side the police is working for dear friend? opps, we are seriously prohibited to say her name publicly isn't it? pardon me, but people march WITHOUT 'sure what they are marching for' is an idiot statement, and i don't think we do that in malaysia.

if u dont mind, could u name some major revolution in any part of the world without any march by the people?

the funny part is, you successfully forced me to open my tafsir quran to search for dalil =) now, here u go.

"wahai org2 yg beriman, sesungguhnya minuman keras, berjudi, (berkorban untuk) berhala dan mengundi nasib dengan anak panah adalah perbuatan keji dan termasuklah perbuatan syaitan.maka jauhilah perbuatan itu supaya kamu beruntung" al maidah 90

above is holy quran's words about gambling, u know well, that the govt just given the license.

Dari Abi Dzar al-Ghifari –semoga Allah meredhainya- dari Nabi saw., menyampaikan apa yang diterimanya dari Rabbnya, bersabda, “Wahai hamba-hamba-Ku, sesungguhnya Aku telah mengharamkan kezaliman ke atas diri-Ku dan Aku menjadikannya haram di antara kalian, maka janganlah kalian saling menzalimi.” (H.R. Muslim)

above is prophet (PBUH)'s words about being 'zalim', perfectly connected with ISA by ust hasrizal in his blog. http://saifulislam.com/?p=2174

now the conclusion; yes, 'kita perlu memilih yg ringan dan bla bla bla'. but in this case when a clear contradiction on govt actions with quran and hadis on ONLY A FEW CASE STATED, would u sit and wait for ur 'so-powerful negotiation power' to work?

govt doesnt seems to listen, my dearest friend. mufti-mufti pun takde yang berani keluar fatwa fairoza oi. menteri2 yg islam semua tak berani lawan takut tak naik pangkat fairoza oi.

thats why people go out marching, so the govt listen.


Ko Apesal?!
