Website Mesti Lawat

Friday, November 14, 2008


Usually when i introduce my name during any taaruf,ppl will bcome xtremely inquisitive..when ppl ask wat is the meaning of FAIROSZA, i will answer
it got no meaning..however,it doesn't mean that it is nothing..
bcoz it has its significant..it's actly the combination of my mother's name n my father's name..below is my siblings name..

mohamad roszali

elis zanah

roszatul norhikmah

mohamad fairosza(ehemm..)


nur zarinah
as u can see,all names have syllables ROS and ZA or ZA and NAH...my mother is ROSNAH and my father is ZAKARIA...so all the 'inquisitiveness' is cleared now(hopefully..)so anything that is meaningless shouldn't be nothing..bcoz there must be something(hikmah) in everything happen..Allah created us and this world for us to think about Him

" We have not created jinns and mankind except to worship Me"
"Dan tidak Aku ciptakan jin dan manusia, kecuali untuk beribadah kepada Ku"

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1 comment:

mafuzah.mohamed said...
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Ko Apesal?!
