Alhamdulillah the program my friends and I planned for BADAR at my former school went successfully although there were several obtacles. Report about the program can be read here.
And alhamdulillah the task that has been postponed for few weeks is done. It is a header for portal
Hopefully I could manage all my limited time wisely. That's why my last post was about 1 month ago. I need to do other more important things.
The prophet said two gifts that we usually don't use it wisely are health and time. I hope Allah will guide me to face challenges in my life.Amin
“Daripada Ibnu Abbas r.anhuma telah berkata, Rasulullah SAW telah bersabda: "Dua nikmat yang kebanyakan manusia terpedaya (rugi) ialah nikmat ketika sihat dan ketika waktu lapang"
Akhirnya muncul juga !
Amin... mudah-mudahan waktu untuk update... selalu ada
owh ya, BADAR itu apa sih fa`i ?
BADAR tu Badan Dakwah,Tarbiah dan Rohani..biasanya di asrama2 Sekolah Menengah di M'sia ada BADAR
owh... !
nape dak 5s1 ade dlm header tu?
Aldien: sipp! =)
Syafiqhaziq: hehe..nak kene letak gmbr bdk sbp kt header tu.xda tu gmbr yg ada dlm simpanan.yg ni draf je..yg baru pnye, gmbr gerak2 tu dh buang sbb berat sgt.tukar gmbr statik je.
Good work on the task yes ...
salam. saya member apis jugak n often visit that site. memang cantiklah header ni.
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